I’m A Digital

Problem Solver

I approach design with feasibility in mind due to my front-end development experience. Making things real with a multidisciplinary team is important to me. My skills cover interaction design, visual design, user testing, prototyping, motion thinking, and front-end development; All through the lens of human-centered design.

Peter Dijkgraaf

I’ve designed experiences for:

My Design Principles

1. Understand & Validate

Have a thorough understanding of a problem before trying to solve it. You can only understand these issues by listening to the people that experience them and through data. User research is key.

Validate ideas with your users is just as important. (And a bit frightening) User testing is an important way to understand whether or not your solution solves their needs. Prototype, test, repeat!

2. Every detail matters

Before starting any project it is important you’ve set a clear north star. The smallest detail can have a major ripple effect throughout a product so it’s important to set goals in an early stage and continuously check back with them. Design principles & HMW questions are very useful ways to help you stay focused on the right things.

My multidisciplinary background in design has helped me have empathy for all the different parties it takes to create a digital product. My coding skills impact my visual design decisions and my visual design knowledge helps me to be consistent in my wireframes. It all influences each other and it makes it easier and more fun for me to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams.

3. Design Scalable Systems

From early in the design process I try to keep the bigger system in mind. I’m good at recognizing patterns and defining them. I’m experienced in working closely with developers to make sure the system makes sense. At the end of the day, a user benefits from a product with a clear system, consistent patterns, and a unified experience.

Optis DLS following accessibility guidelines

Optus asked frog to redesign their website and support them in building it in collaboration with their developers. I helped to design a DLS that followed standard Accessibility guidelines. We build a code-based version of the DLS to communicate our designs with a external development party

Read an Article I Wrote About Accessibility
Optus responsive DLS

4. Collaboration Is Key

I really enjoy collaborating closely with UX Researchers to understand the problem better. Being able to trust team-members blindly in their expertise yet knowing that you can give and take constructive feedback is very important to me. Multidisciplinary teams are crucial for bringing the best experience to the customer.

Due to my tech-native development background, I love collaborating closely with developers. It is crucial to understand the limitations of technology. The right balance between the user needs and the abilities of technology can only be accomplished by collaboration and trust.

5. Staying Curious

I’m always working on a side project. At the moment that is PlantDemand but in the past that has been a tool to time-lapse your journey using street view images. (2013 -2017) and designing an app to track what you lend to people (2014)

Since I moved to Munich, escaping in the mountains and doing expeditions over the weekend has hooked me. It helps me balance my day to day job. It is how I recharge and I find inspiration and new energy for the work I do on a day to day basis. I combine these expeditions with my passion for photography and videography. I’ve done video work for Dr. Oetker and some of my time-lapses have been used by the BBC.

See more of my photo/videography
photography passion